the 504 Project participates in several committees that focus on exceptional students and their needs, in addition to other statewide groups working on broader issues within the educational system.
Join our community offers several conferences every year to learn how to not only advocate for your own student, but to learn about the educational process as well.
At the 504 Project, we are EXCITED to bring together individuals, groups, agencies, organizations, and businesses whose collective goal is to break barriers by disrupting the system, and to challenge and change policies and practices which limit or deny services or infringe upon students’ rights to a free and appropriate education. In doing so, our vision is that all students have individualized plans, and all services are administered to fidelity in a safe and nurturing environment.
As part of our overarching philosophy, we believe you cannot separate the mind, body and spirit. If you are also unwell physically, you will likely not succeed educationally. It is our goal to support and follow medical and behavioral health policies which may concurrently interact with or be implemented within the educational settings, thus ensuring no unintended consequences occur for our students.
There are currently 179 school districts, 1,927 schools, 55,197 teachers and 4,341 administrators to meet the needs of the state's 883,264 public school students.