At the 504 Project, our primary goal is to make change! Change can be in the form of creating new legislation, rules, procedures, guidelines, or practices at any level.
Change can be modifying or changing implementation of existing policies. Our utmost hope is collaboration with districts, schools, and local entities with a shared vision for student success.
The 504 Project is committed to bringing equity within the system. Too often guardians, parents, loved ones and families are unaware of their rights or simply denied their and their students rights under the law.
With an imbalance of power, students and families who do not have the privilege of hiring an attorney can, and often do, experience worse outcomes than others.
Better together is an approach to systems change that brings together individuals, groups, and organizations in the pursuit of a common purpose for improving people's lives.
While we will always seek to work with agencies, districts, local schools, and administrators to improve student successes, if or when collaboration is not possible, collective action can be implemented.
Training and mentoring are crucial pieces of advocacy as it provides parents, grandparents, foster and adoptive parents, and guardians the knowledge, skills, and the support needed to create better outcomes for both parents and children. When facing challenges or navigating complex situations like the IEP or 504 process, having systemic knowledge empowers them to be active participants in their students’ education, breaks barriers to success, and builds resilience for future encounters.